Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Happy Birthday Nicholas

Happy Birthday Nicholas

This year went so fast. Before you were born I was expecting your first year to be something I just needed to get through. I have truly enjoyed the past year. It helped that you slept when you needed to and that Andrew was here to keep us company during the day. Now that you are crawling and thinking about walking, we don't snuggle as much, but you still fall asleep in my arms sometimes and I think about how lucky I am to be your mother. You are such as sweet little one, freely giving your smiles and hugs to me. I am looking forward to your next year.


Catherine said...

Happy Birthday Nicholas!!!

Holly Jo said...

They grow so quickly. Happy Birthday, Nicholas!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Nicholas!

Knittymama said...

Wow! What a sweetheart! Happy Birthday Nicholas! :-)


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