Friday, June 02, 2006

The Pool

Do you ever put something away so it won't get lost and never find it again? Last summer we put away the inflatable pool and the three plugs were set on the kitchen counter. Sometime this winter I was tired of looking at them and was sure they would be lost sitting there on the counter so I put them away. Today we decided to set up the pool since it will be in the 80s for the next week or so. Do you think we could find the plugs? It took five hours and finally I found them. Of course, Andrew was upset that we couldn't blow up the pool and put water in it. He had all kinds of ideas about what we should do; so to the gym (the pool at the Y), use someone else's pool (our neighbor has hers set up), go inside and look again, etc. I finally told him that we could go get another pool after his nap so I could convince him to go inside and have some lunch. I did find the plugs while he was napping and filled the pool, but then the water was freezing when he woke up. Andrew woke up just before dinner and since the water was still very cold and we were going to eat soon we told him he needed to wait until he could go swimming. He had other ideas. We were in the living room and we heard the side door open into the backyard. I walked through the dining room, glancing at the pile of clothes on the floor, and out the side door. Andrew was in the pool, naked. I guess he didn't mind the cold after all.

On another note, knitting night tomorrow. Yea!

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