Friday, June 16, 2006

It's Friday already - where did the week go?

It is hard to believe the week is almost over. The weather was strange. One morning I woke up freezing and now it is hot. I feel like I have been watering almost everyday and really wish it would rain. But, the watering has payed off. I had enough strawberries to make strawberry cream cake (recipe from Cooks Illustrated May 06). It turned out really well, exactly what I was hoping for. I love garden strawberries. Andrew and I picked another 2 1/2 pints yesterday and there will be more to come. I also have flowers on my tomato plants and a banana pepper ready to pick.

I did realize that I needed something to work on other than the lace so I am continuting to work on the red cabled cardigan that I started in January or February. I have the back and one front side done and the second front almost done. Kind of amazing, since I started on the second front last Friday. I will post pictures when I get the second front piece done. I thought it was kind of funny that since I needed something to knit that I didn't need to concentrate on as much as the lace, I pulled out something with a bunch of cables instead. I guess I just knit too much.

I have also been busy sewing on the duvets for Andrew's room. Lots of fun matching patterns to make a wider piece of fabric. JoAnn has denim on sale this weekend, which is what I was planning to use for the back of the duvets and for the curtains so maybe I can finish that up next week. Then on to more diaper sewing.

Bullet got a little grooming done last night since it felt cooler outside than in the house. A nail trim and brushing.

He is a very happy dog.

Tomorrow we have a graduation in Jordan and dinner with Tim's dad in Burnsville. At least I should have time to knit in the car.

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