Thursday, August 24, 2006

Project Update - Knitting and sewing

I know it has been a while, but I have been busy knitting and sewing instead of blogging. I thought I would put up an update of all the things I have been working on.

The trellis scarf was frogged. I really disliked the nupps and since I wasn't enjoying it and had lots of yarn to make a shawl instead I decided to start the Adamas shawl from knitpicks . It has been finished and entered into the MN state fair along with a hat I knit last winter and a blue cotton cabled sweater I finished last spring. The hat actually won first place in the plain knit hat category and the shawl placed fifth. Funny considering that I wasn't going to enter the hat in the first place. I just kind of threw it in because I like it. Sadly, I didn't take pictures of any of the projects. I will try to remember when I get them back after the fair.

I was going to enter the red sweater I have been working on this spring and summer, and I was almost finished, but I didn't feel like working on it to the exclusion of getting anything done around the house, so it didn't get entered. I still need to weave in the ends and sew the zipper in. It will be done before it gets cold though.

I am looking forward to wearing this sweater. I am thinking I will still enter it in the fair next year, but will have to see how much wear it gets this winter.


I found some cotton/angora yarn on clearance at the Yarnery earlier this summer and couldn't resist buying it to make a baby sweater. There were four hanks and that seemed like a good amount to make a sweater with. It turned into this sweater and hat with booties almost done (but not pictured). The sweater is just a simple garter stitch and pretty much the same thing I made for my friend's baby last year so it went quickly. I just need to sew the buttons on, little brown bears.

The yarn is artful yarns Serenade in 6005 which is a marl consisting of light blue, medium blue, and grey. It is extremely soft. The sweater, hat and one bootie used up three balls of yarn. I am making the second bootie while pictures upload for this post.


Since this baby is due in a few weeks, I wanted to make sure I at least had some small diapers finished (since they have been cut out most of the summer). I made a dozen. Three are Very Baby knit diapers with print outside and hemp/cotton fleece inside and nine are made with flannel and hemp/cotton french terry using the Very Basic All-in-one pattern. All were made with snap in soakers and actually dry completely in one dryer cycle.

I thought my dad would especially like the camo one with the bright orange inside. I also have six small covers cut out that I am waiting to get fold over elastic for. It should arrive in the mail in the next couple days.

Four wool and two PUL. This brings the total small diaper stash to 12 home made fitteds, 6 size one Kissaluvs, 12 newborn prefolds, one home made Very Baby fleece all-in-one, two small Bumkins AIOs, one home made Very Baby pocket diaper, one wool-in-one one knit wool soaker and one modified Very Baby snug wrap wool cover.

Much better than the newborn stash of three Bummis covers, three flannel Very Baby fitted diapers, ten birdseye flats, and a dozen terry washcloths.

Andrew's "blueberry sweater" is almost done. This picture is the two sleeves with one almost done. That sleeve has been finished, the neck hole steeks have been crocheted and cut and one armhole steek has been crocheted and cut. I just need to do the other armhole, sew the sleeves in and knit the neck. His sweater should be done by the time it is cold out too and I know he is looking forward to wearing it.

I also have a baby blanket started. It is acrylic boucle yarn, simple blocks knit into strips that will be sewn together. I figured I better make the baby a "momma made" blanket because Andrew keeps telling me that he is going to let the baby use his blanket and I know he is pretty attached to it.

I also have started putting joint compound on the new drywall in the baby's room. There is still a lot to be done in there, but we don't figure he will be in there much at first anyway. Plus, I may have a few free mornings while Andrew is at preschool before the baby is here.

I also have a sweater and pants set almost done except for the bottom of the pants and some buttons. It has been sitting for awhile since I originally was planning on just making the sweater, then thought I had quite a bit of yarn left and decided to make pants, only to find that the pants will be on the short side. I figured that if I was going to make them, I might as well make them long enough to wear for awhile, so they are waiting until I get around to ordering another skein of yarn since no one has it locally

Tim revamped his desktop computer for Soledad, a woman from Peru, who will be going to school at Bethany for the next four years. Our congregation is kind of sponsoring her through Terry and Mary Schultz with stuff she needs for college other than tuition (she actually has a 4 year scholarship). We also donated a bike after hearing that they thought they were getting one somewhere, but it had fallen through. We had one in good shape sitting in the shed unused, so we were happy that she will be able to use it.

I also took Andrew to Valleyfair two weeks ago and he had a great time. Hopefully, I can get pictures up tomorrow.

Plus, I am definitely feeling huge and getting ready to finally meet this baby. Especially after the heat this summer. The cooler weather is much better, but it is still getting harder to get around. I will try to update more often, especially as my due date gets closer, but sometimes it is hard to put a project down only to write about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For whatever reason I lost track of your blog.

Your diaper stash looks good! I sewed some of my favorite newborn diapers - there's nothing better than seeing your snuggly little newborn with a nice soft mama-made diaper on its rear! Although I was a little sad to see them get pooped on, haha.

Off to catch up on your blog...


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