Thursday, September 28, 2006

Nicholas Daniel Pearson

Nicholas was born at home Monday morning. Labor and birth weren't easy, but there was nothing really unexpected, except his size. We weighed him at the pediatrician later that morning and he weighed in at 9 lbs 14 oz. I could tell he was bigger than his brother was (8lbs 6oz) as soon as I picked him up. At least now I know why I was having so much trouble walking at the end of pregnancy. He is a very calm baby so far. He usually has a couple of times during the day while he is contented to just look around and take in his world ending with a little fussiness. Otherwise, there has been a lot of eating and sleeping. Thanks to my parents we were able to have a restful first few days and we are starting to ease our way back into our routine. My parents left this morning, Tim went back to work, and I get to take Andrew to preschool by myself tomorrow. Andrew loves school, and is looking forward to showing off his new brother. Andrew seems to be adjusting well. He has been a little antsy with the excitement, but he has been very helpful too, like Wednesday on the way to preschool. Nicholas started crying and Andrew gave him his pacifier and sang him rock a bye baby and the abcs. By the time we reached school, Nicholas was fast asleep. I will post pictures tomorrow, but for now you can check out our website.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I didn't know you were planning a homebirth - that's so exciting! (I had one with Arlo).

I hope you guys are getting settled and Andrew is adjusting well to being a big brother.

Off to peek at your website!

Knittymama said...

Congratulations!!! So glad to hear you areall doing so well:-)


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